Spring clean your Mind - 2017

Easter and Spring activity

On Easter Sunday 2017 Wordsmithcrafts was involved in the Lincluden “Creative Futures” launch.

We set up a temporary camp with some historical interpreters bringing the history of monastic life, to life. To compliment this, as “Quartz”, there was a range of activities we have been using in Outerweaves for a couple of years now. This included a Labyrinth, calligraphy, Jewellery, and another in the sequence of tapestry installations (banners).

more here...

We also took part in the “Spring Fringe” activity in the Bakers oven shop between the 29th and 5th of April. This featured a selection of #SensingSpirituality activities and the #SensingLife spring banner which we are starting on Easter Sunday.


On the 30th there was an interweave.

This interweave was less of a service and more of a "drop-in" evening. The idea is that anyone who has tasted something they like at the Outerweave activities in Lincluden or at the Bakers Oven, could take this opportunity to explore more in the Interweave environment of St Johns.

The name of the event was “Metanoia” which is from the Greek for “going beyond/changing” and “mind”.

It is usually translated “Repent” in English and the idea of this Interweave was to set up stations where people can explore the process of rebirthing through the transformation of minds. This included things like

#SensingLife and then weaving it into the tapestry,
#SensingMeaningfulness through detecting patterns, like discovering tactics in a board game or understanding how pythagorus’s theorem works
#SensingMystery and being aware of the truths of human being in experiences like that of Love, suffering, friendship and so on that can be used to form a “creed” that is reliable (in addition to the propositional truth formalised in Nicaea)

You can find out more about how this went on facebook:


Finally, if you use facebook and take any photos of things which make you smile in Spring and remember the joy of being alive – please share them with the Creative worship page and use the #tag - #SensingSpring



all content and images © Wordsmithcrafts - last update 1-jun-18